I came across your site and the stories and pictures that you share.
I will try to keep this short as you are a very busy person saving animals one at a time.
I want to say you are a remarkable person that knows what to do with a good talent saving animals even when it almost looks hopeless and even close. I want to say kudos and keep up the good work and when I hope you read this that you will smile knowing another person thanking you for always doing a good job. It is quite rare to see medical cases shown with a good detailed story about it and with pictures (especially with hamsters) but I am glad you do as it is a good medical tool. As I found out what my hamster has...
i did come across this picture on your site
I have a syrian that has that condition in both his eyes. I have always thought he gone blind. At least I know it is white deposit in his cornea.

I just hope it isnt too serious or harmful.
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