Saturday, July 11, 2009

6. Hamster with skin itchiness

Most likely a mite infestation although the vet could not find any mites during skin scrapings. Bacterial and fungal infections come in as opportunistic invaders. Took a skin biopsy. The hamster can't sleep well as he scratches till he is bald and the skin breaks up and get infected. Eats little. Drinks little. Just want to scratch.

Below are suggested guidelines.

1. Therefore treatment is not so simple as just using ivomectin as anti-mite treatment.
2. Skin itchiness. Need to relieve the itch.
3. Skin infections. Oral antibiotics. May need anti-fungal medication. Consult vet.
4. Skin infections. Wash with anti-fungal shampoo. Need to thoroughly rinse away the shampoo. Use separate and clean tissue to keep hamster skin dry.
5. Feeding. Good food. Hand-feeding every hour if practical for 6-10X/day.
6. Rehydration. Isotonic solution hand-feeding every hour if practical for 6-10X/day.

Preventing dehydration and boosting immunity via good and regular food intake by hand-feeding is seldom done by owners during the early stages of the disease.

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